Evolving Through Disruption: The DroneUp Way

By John Vernon (Chief Technology Officer for DroneUp)

One of the things I love about DroneUp is connecting with people who share a passion for drone technology and development and the potential to serve our communities. When tech companies create things that enhance everyone's quality of life, it builds trust, strengthens relationships, and inspires transformation.

Technology disruptions in the 21st century are not so different from the new inventions of the American and European Industrial Revolutions in the 18th and 19th centuries. The challenges and obstacles, such as the acceptance of technological evolution, remain the same. As societal demands change, the need for safe, exceptional, and complex solutions will drive innovation, disrupting human paradigms and biases about new technology.

At DroneUp, we believe in a culture that values doing the right thing, which requires effective communication. This communication must be truthful, honest, and transparent and requires fortitude and courage from both leaders and team members. Additionally, having the right people in the right place is essential.

Leadership during digital disruption assumes a general acceptance of new ideas and models. However, disruption is complicated and nuanced, and motivating employee buy-in requires rigorous and rugged change management. Having the right people in the right roles minimizes the need for motivation, as motivated people thrive in disruption and embrace change. To evolve during a digital transformation, companies must resonate with the leader's vision, communicate the cause passionately, and be intentional about outcomes. This includes the Way of Working, processes, practices, and daily execution of activities.

Doing the right thing is easier said than done, especially when driving disruption requires rapid decision-making and an ongoing commitment to digital literacy and evolution. Developing a culture that can move from storming to norming quickly and frequently is critical to success. Breaking and setting yield stronger bones and people who can easily adapt to new ideas and changes. Without this culture, addressing problems through the lens of the past instead of focusing on turning them into opportunities becomes inevitable.


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